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The conflict between divorce and the rights of an artist in her work

It’s good to have received the Court of Appeal decision in this long running case. Importantly from my client, Ms Alalääkkölä’s perspective, the Court found that: [78] Here, it is our view that it is consistent with the overall policy objectives of the Copyright Act that Ms Alalääkkölä, as the author and creative force behind […]

Change Agency

Nice to get a shout out from “One World in a New World” and to be described as a change agent, which is not easy to do.


Visiting Anthony and Sandra Grant’s amazing Sculptureum gallery at Matakana and loved Anthony’s  treatment of the recent dispute over Prince’s image

Using artists work without their permission

Former President Trump has made a habit of using artists’ copyright works (songs) without their permission, but that doesn’t make it right. With our election campaigns heating up, the use of copyright material in memes, a work, in this case images, that are copied (typically with minor variations) and go viral, is causing some issues […]

New Zealand Bar Association Annual Conference 2023

Lawyers who Paint exhibition – September 2023 I am a big supporter of encouraging lawyers to develop creative interests outside the law. I was therefore both pleased and privileged to be involved in the first exhibition at the NZ Bar Association annual conference, showcasing paintings and photographs from lawyers who paint/create. In my case, painting […]

MONA – Hobart

Visiting MONA in Hobart while attending the IPTA conference and getting pushed outside my comfort zone