
Dotcom extradition order creates overseas interest

Now that the Minister of Justice, Paul Goldsmith, has signed Kim Dotcom’s extradition order there is renewed interest in the case, ...

The Dotcom Saga Continues

Tech entrepreneur Kim Dotcom has been making headlines in New Zealand for well over a decade now. It seems that the saga ...

Creating a braided, cohesive and winning identity

The coalition government is finding it increasingly difficult to ignore the opposition to the proposed repeal of Section 7AA of the Oranga ...

The Power of Wellbeing – Book Trailer

A bad climate change prognosis

Without wishing to be alarmist, the climate change prognosis seems to be worse than we imagined it to be 5 years ago ...

Access to justice – the legal profession’s role

It seems ages ago since Tim and I discussed the role the legal profession plays as gatekeepers between the public and the ...

TVNZ – Sirpa Alalaakola

TVNZ news item on the Sirpa Alalaakola Court of Appeal hearing. Leave has now been granted by the Supreme Court and that ...

New Zealand’s 6 law power list thinkers and influencers

Good to be identified by LawFuel as one of New Zealand’s 6 law power list thinkers and influencers


The conflict between divorce and the rights of an artist in her work

It’s good to have received the Court of Appeal decision in this long running case. Importantly from my client, Ms Alalääkkölä’s perspective, ...

Change Agency

Nice to get a shout out from “One World in a New World” and to be described as a change agent, which ...

Finding a new home for some of my paintings

Leigh Bernard selecting her paintings in my studio in January 2024, for her new home.



Visiting Anthony and Sandra Grant’s amazing Sculptureum gallery at Matakana and loved Anthony’s treatment of the recent dispute over Prince’s image


Using artists work without their permission

Former President Trump has made a habit of using artists’ copyright works (songs) without their permission, but that doesn’t make it right. ...


This painting has Zara, who is a keen ballet dancer, leaping with joy, while her younger sister Amelie, watches in the background. ...

New Zealand Bar Association Annual Conference 2023

Lawyers who Paint exhibition – September 2023 I am a big supporter of encouraging lawyers to develop creative interests outside the law. ...

The Power of Wellbeing – Conversations About Conversations

Our Sirpa Alalaakola painting

Our amazing Sirpa Alalaakola painting, full of movement, energy and sheer joy.


IPTA conference

Speaking at the IPTA conference in Hobart


MONA – Hobart

Visiting MONA in Hobart while attending the IPTA conference and getting pushed outside my comfort zone



Sleepwalking our way into social apartheid

Here is a recent op-ed I wrote for the New Zealand Herald on how we in Aotearoa New Zealand are grappling with ...

The Law Chat Series

Podcast – Interview with Professor Paul Moon on “The Power of Wellbeing”

It was a real pleasure to talk with Professor Moon on 23 Sept about my book and to explore some interesting current ...

The Ballet Mistress

I haven’t posted details of any of my paintings for a while, but this one is special. I painted Heather’s aunt and ...


I am super excited to be a speaker at #LawFest22. Only 20 or so sleeps to go and it’s shaping up to ...

A catch-up with Prof. Paul Moon

Catching up for coffee with Prof Paul Moon and discussing some of the issues dealt with in The Power of Wellbeing


The Power of Wellbeing Outline

Clive Elliott podcast with Ruth Herbert

Peace Radicals Ep 73 Clive Elliott

Ep 48 Embracing Change: A Conversation with Clive Elliott QC

Paul Moon “The Power of Wellbeing”

Thought I would share Nick Holmes’ review of my book, thanks Nick Holmes

Clive Elliott’s book on wellbeing is as thought-provoking as it is stimulating, as optimistic as it is balanced and reasonable. In these ...

Chuffed to see Executive Director, Jacqui Thompson’s comments in the today’s NZBA Member Update on last night’s interview with Sarah Rowe:

Last night we held a webinar, A Chat with Clive Elliott QC. This was a fascinating consideration of the world in which ...

Member Spotlight: The Power of Wellbeing by Clive Elliott QC

A blueprint for rebuilding the social fabric and reimagining an inclusive society When we see what’s happening on the streets of Wellington ...

The Power of Wellbeing – Coming Soon!

  I’m really excited to be finalising the back cover of my upcoming book this weekend – it is due to be ...

TEDxAuckland 2021 Puts Optimism Centre Stage

As we careen towards an uncertain post-pandemic-world we have to take stock and ask – how do we engineer positive change and ...

Climate art exhibition at the Wellington club

So Much to Lose!

Really pleased to have had the second part of my climate art exhibition in Auckland this Thursday. Thanks to those who attended ...

Mask-up Folks!

Did this painting a few weeks ago as a small reminder to wear our masks in public when in confined spaces


So Much, in fact, Everything, to Lose!

My “Climate Art” exhibition at the SO Auckland hotel was postponed due to the Covid – 19 lockdown. Now we are getting ...

The Purpose of Art

The Chilean Nobel Prize in Literature winner Pablo Neruda, praised for his insightful humanistic poetry and literature, has been described as one ...

No Real Comfort!

As we sit out the Covid -19 lockdown in New Zealand, its tough to see what’s happening thousands of miles away in ...

So Much to Lose – Climate Art Exhibition

Write up in the NZ Law Society publication Law Talk: Clive Elliott QC and the climate change exhibition 03 April 2020 LAWTALK ...


Lock-down ...

Virginia Woolf – On Being an Artist

Virginia Woolf explains beautifully what it took for her to become a writer and artist: “Behind the cotton wool is hidden a ...

“So Much to Lose”

"Stop" global warming ...

Sustainable Coastlines Charity Ball – “Tofino Mist”

Tofino Mist (1.5m x 1m) Tofino Mist represents a seemingly idyllic but illusory scene. Buildings are suspended, float on calm, untroubled water. ...

Great quote by Gandhi

Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits ...

Exhibition at Pullman Hotel

Really pleased to be exhibiting some of my recent paintings at the Pullman Hotel in Auckland. They are supporting and promoting the ...

The Firewood Army – On the Move!

Just finished this new take on some of my earlier paintings with the same theme, but quite different.


Sustainable Coastlines fundraising dinner 2019

Tofino I was pleased to be able to donate this large painting called Tofino to the sustainable coastlines, fund-raising dinner and do ...

Disputed Matisse goes to US Supreme Court

Interesting dispute over whether this beautiful Matisse portrait was looted or lost due to the dishonesty of a family member


Like I said: A puppet!

Hillary Clinton’s recent tweet led me to reflect and write some words:   My beautiful creation so beautifully formed Perfect in every ...

The Power of Life’s Forces

British painter Jenny Saville’s comment about the search for the power of life’s forces is profound: “When I paint, I don’t search ...

Industry’s New Home

Nice message from Michael Battersby of Battersby and Co, Business Lawyers of Parnell, Auckland: “Your paintings are a big feature, they really ...

AI Art

A painting Portrait of Edmond Belamy is up for auction at Christies in New York City in October. It is estimated to ...


Waitaks on wall in Jo and Daniel’s place


New Moon – In Situ

Here is New Moon in situ in Jo and Daniel Carol’s lounge.



Finished today – silly and free spirited!


Balinese Temple

Finished this today. My interpretation of an amazing night-time scene in Bali – thanks Alistair Scott.


Robed and Wigged

Painting of a large group of barristers robed and wigged up


Village Life – Bandhavgarh India

Just finished these today. Portraits of striking young women living in the same village home, married to five brothers. Tried to capture ...

Van Gogh Exhibition Melbourne

Fabulous painting with brooding and anguished atmosphere – the parsonage garden at Neunen. 


Young Woman 

Painted today – a self assured young farmer’s wife at Bandhavgarh, Madhya Pradesh, India 


New Moon

Second painting just picked up by Jo Van der Walle. A big painting for a big wall!



A large commission (2m x 1m) just done for Jo Van der Walle and Daniel Carol.


Turner Study

Today’s effort, a study of an early Turner, painted in the traditional Georgian style.


Norfolk Painting School

Very excited and privileged to be doing the Atmosphere and Light course this week. This is a study of Murphy.


Suffolk Beach Study

My second home study painting 


A Norfolk Creek

My first home study –A painting for my upcoming residential course at the Norfolk Painting School in January – can’t wait.


Cane Cutter Comes Home

Pleased to see my painting of a Shangaan cane cutter come back home to Miles Mathew’s home in Mntunzini in KZN.


Moody Approaching Night over Westmere

Today’s effort – tried two different approaches – oil on canvas and oil and water on paper


Pink Tackies

Helen Bang proud owner of “Pink Tackies” in her new home at Coronation Gardens


Easter Island Sunset

Today’s effort -80% done. Nice relaxing day out of the office🎨   


Goodbye Supernova

Today’s effort,  a fluid vivid sky over the groyne at Omaha Beach      



Shadowland in situ in new owner Hector and John’s entrance way.        


Westhaven Sunrise

Painting done on Saturday the 10th of October. A beautiful new sun rising over the yachts at Westhaven marina in Auckland   ...


 Deb Thompson the new owner of Braidy – at home.    


Recent Interview

Recent interview on New Zealand Law Society website,-qc,-a-barrister,-registered-patent-attorney,-arbitrator-and-artist,-is-interviewed-by-nzls-ayl-committee-member,-sarah-rosanowski


Contemplate IV – News

An exhibition by Clive Elliott CONTEMPLATE IV con·tem·pla·tion : The action of looking thoughtfully at something for a long time; ...

Contemplate IV at Crave

My upcoming exhibition at Crave – Opening night 24 June 2015


The busy lady – Triptych



Another painting for the upcoming Ponsonby Cruising Club exhibition



New painting for Ponsonby Cruising Club exhibition next month



Heather at Omaha Beach

 A work in progress – started 5 April 2015 



Painting of Braidy in dark green pool of water – December 2014 



I love the light on this painting of a swimmer cutting powerfully through the water


The Firewood Army

Working on two large versions 14 -15 Feb 2015


Contemplate III at Crave – August 2014

Exhibition at Crave – August 2014

More paintings


Broods at Crave

Up and coming band Broods doing a concert at Crave, great to have my painting ( All tied Up) in the background


Broods meets the Midi canal – all tied up!


Some of my recent paintings at Crave in Auckland


New Exhibition “CONTEMPLATE III – 13 AUGUST 2014 at CRAVE

Ponsonby YC Exhibition 8 May 2014

Ponsonby YC Promo video

My paintings getting hung – the Midi canal and trees!


Left Turn – Painting for Ponsonby YC Exhibition – May 2014

Left Turn – Canal du Midi


Ponsonby Yacht Club Exhibition

Have four painting in this exhibition. Starts next week.


Contemplate II Opening

On Tuesday the 11th had a successful opening of the exhibition at Crave and sold 4 paintings: Vine II, Central, Kiss Me ...

Contemplate II at Crave

My latest exhibition at 6:30pm at Crave on 11 June 2013 11 JUNE 2013 : 6.30 – 9.00 PM CRAVE CAFÉ, 25 ...


Clive Elliot

I live and work in Auckland, New Zealand. I am a serial dabbler in the arts, with an interest in writing, poetry, public speaking and painting. I’m a frequent writer and commentator on intellectual property and information technology issues. I regularly write on and lecture on the art of advocacy, both oral and written. An example is a webinar I gave in 2018 “Mastering Advocacy: Effective Written and Oral Advocacy and How to Maximise Both”. 

My goal as an artist is to try and capture a little piece of that magnificent natural beauty that exists around us and preserve it in a time capsule so others can ponder and experience the wonder, before it evaporates away into the endless sands of time.